6 Things Mormons Wish Non-Mormons Knew About Their Church (2024)

6 Things Mormons Wish Non-Mormons Knew About Their Church (1)

The fast-growing Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints claims more than 16 million members worldwide, yet remains one of the least-understood religions on the planet. Even though the church outlawed polygamy more than a century ago, many people still think Mormons can have more than one wife. And a lot of folks still confuse Mormons with Jehovah's Witnesses and the Amish. (Which are the ones who don't dance again?)

To help set the record straight about Mormon beliefs and practice, we spoke with Matthew Bowman, the chair of Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate University and the author of "The Mormon People: The Making of an American Faith" in 2020. Here are six common myths about Mormonism.



  1. Myth 1: It's Called the 'Mormon Church'
  2. Myth 2: Mormons Worship Joseph Smith
  3. Myth 3: Mormons Aren't Really Christians
  4. Myth 4: Mormons Practice Polygamy
  5. Myth 5: Mormons Can't Drink Caffeinated Beverages
  6. Myth 6: Mormons Wear 'Magic Underwear'

Myth 1: It's Called the 'Mormon Church'

Since the church was founded by Joseph Smith in 1830, the official name has always been The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But Bowman said that from the start, detractors and critics began calling the controversial new sect "Mormons" or "Mormonites," an insult directed at the "Book of Mormon," an ancient book of scripture translated and published by Smith.

But what started as a derogatory slur was soon embraced by church leaders like Brigham Young, who said that church members should be proud to be called Mormons.


"There's a long history of Christian denominations being tagged with a name by outsiders and then eventually adopting it," said Bowman, including Methodists who were criticized as "overly Methodical" in their piety and Baptists who were ridiculed for their belief in full immersion.

In recent decades, though, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has distanced itself from terms like "Mormon," "Mormon Church," "LDS Church" and other nicknames, because it says they detract from Jesus Christ as the true center of Mormon belief.


Myth 2: Mormons Worship Joseph Smith

Without Joseph Smith, there would be no Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and for faithful Mormons, Smith was a prophet on par with Moses. But that doesn't mean that Mormons "worship" him, Bowman said.

The history of the Mormon church begins this way: In 1820, when Smith was a 14-year-old farm boy in upstate New York, he retreated to a forest grove to ask God a pressing question: Which was the right church for him to join? To Smith's shock and amazement, his prayer was answered when two angelic figures, identifying themselves as God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared.

During this miraculous visitation, known as the First Vision, Smith was told not to join any existing church, but that the true Church of Jesus Christ would be restored through him. After receiving and translating the Book of Mormon, which describes Jesus Christ's ministry to the ancient people of the Americas, Smith was conferred with important priesthood authority that had been lost after the death of the apostles.

Smith was the first prophet of what Mormons believe is Jesus Christ's true restored church, which is organized like the ancient church with prophets and apostles. Brigham Young was the second prophet of the restored church and the line of prophets has remained unbroken through today. The current prophet is Russell M. Nelson.

Smith was fiercely persecuted for his claims and teachings, and was eventually killed along with his brother by a violent mob when he was only 38 years old. Smith's martyrdom, like those of early Christian apostles and saints, made him an even more beloved and revered figure to many Mormons.

"Joseph Smith is important," said Bowman. "He's a prophetic figure who has brought the mechanism of salvation back to humanity through the priesthood and ordinances like baptism, but that's not the same as worshipping him."

It took 117 years for the church to grow from 6 members to 1 million (in 1947). But it reached the 2-million member mark just 16 years later and has been growing ever since. Today, you'll find some 16 million Mormons all over the world, not just in the U.S.


Myth 3: Mormons Aren't Really Christians

In the 1980s, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints debuted a new logo with the words "Jesus Christ" in a much larger font. The Book of Mormon was also given a subtitle, "The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ." Both of these moves were in response to the persistent myth that Mormons aren't Christians.

Bowman said that at the heart of this misunderstanding is a legitimate question: What does it mean to be a Christian?


"The broadest and most inclusive definition of a Christian is someone who believes in Jesus Christ," said Bowman, and by that definition Mormons are clearly Christians.

The earthly ministry and eternal role of Jesus Christ as the savior of mankind are the focus of Mormon doctrine and worship, and faithful members strive to cultivate a personal relationship with Christ through scripture study and prayer.

6 Things Mormons Wish Non-Mormons Knew About Their Church (2)

But there are also narrower definitions of Christianity where Mormon beliefs can be problematic. In Catholicism and mainstream Protestantism, for example, there's the belief of the Trinity as a single Godhead manifested as three persons: God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit (the Holy Ghost).

In Mormon teachings, based on the Book of Mormon and other revelations and visions received by the prophet Joseph Smith, the Godhead is not a Trinity, but rather three separate and distinct beings acting with one will and purpose.

Bowman said that some evangelicals also take issue with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints because of its teaching that certain sacraments and ordinances are necessary for salvation.

"For evangelicals, salvation is less about professing belief or performing ordinances than it is about having a spiritual conversion experience, what's known as being 'born again,'" said Bowman.

Another problem some other Christian churches have with the Mormon church is the fact that it holds the Book of Mormon to be sacred scripture alongside the Bible. The Latter-day Saints' response is that the Bible itself doesn't say that "all revelations from God would be gathered into a single volume to be forever closed and that no further scriptural revelation could be received."

Mormon theology also teaches that there are "three kingdoms of glory": the celestial kingdom (heaven) for faithful Mormons; the terrestrial kingdom for Mormons “not valiant in the testimony of Jesus," as well as righteous people of other beliefs; and the telestial kingdom for unbelievers and wicked people. "These individuals [in the telestial kingdom] will receive their glory after being redeemed from spirit prison, which is sometimes called hell," according to church literature. Historic Christianity teaches that there is heaven for believing Christians and hell for unbelievers.


Myth 4: Mormons Practice Polygamy

Polygamy, also known as plural marriage (i.e., a man having more than one wife), was a central practice for Mormons in the 19th century, but the church outlawed it in 1904 and anyone suspected of practicing polygamy today is excommunicated.

In 1840, Joseph Smith received a revelation directing church members to reinstate the ancient practice of plural marriage (the biblical King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines) as a way of quickly growing the faith's numbers. Since plural marriage was illegal in the United States, Mormons became an outlaw people and the subject of bitter persecution, driven from place to place until they finally found sanctuary in the wilds of Utah, which wasn't yet a state.


In 1890, as Mormons were lobbying Congress to admit Utah as a state, the then-prophet of the church Wilford Woodruff promised to end the practice of plural marriage in the faith. And in 1904, polygamy officially became punishable by excommunication from the church.

The ongoing confusion about Mormons and polygamy is that there are splinter sects living in Northern Mexico and rural parts of Arizona and Utah who continue to practice polygamy and call themselves the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. These groups, which often dress in 19th-century garb and live in isolated compounds, are separate and distinct from mainstream Mormons.


Myth 5: Mormons Can't Drink Caffeinated Beverages

Faithful Mormons do their best to live by a set of health and lifestyle rules known as the Word of Wisdom. The original Word of Wisdom was a revelation given to Joseph Smith in 1833 after he prayed about the use of tobacco among church members. The answer Smith received was that men and women should not only avoid tobacco, but also alcohol and "hot drinks," which were interpreted as coffee and tea. Meat was also to be eaten "sparingly," only in times of winter and famine, and then always with thanksgiving.

In the original revelation, the Word of Wisdom was less a rule than a "principle with promise" — the promise being physical health, wisdom and knowledge to those who follow its guidelines.


"For much of the first decades of the church, the Word of Wisdom was considered good advice, something that good saints might do who wanted the promises in the revelation," said Bowman. "But there are instances of members not following it, in part because it wasn't seen as a formal commandment or injunction. The first wagon train that left for Salt Lake City carried coffee with it."

In the early 20th century, as polygamy ended, Bowman said that the Word of Wisdom took on a new significance as a way of maintaining social boundaries between the Latter-day Saints and outsiders. Eventually, adherence to the Word of Wisdom's injunctions against alcohol, tobacco, coffee and tea (but not meat) became a prerequisite for full activity in the church.

Over time, both Mormons and non-Mormons alike wondered why coffee and tea had made the no-no list, and the consensus was that it must be the caffeine, which can be an addictive substance. So, it became a cultural norm, at least in Utah, for Mormons to avoid caffeinated soda as well as "hot drinks."

While church leaders haven't exactly given their blessing to Coca-Cola and Pepsi, they have reiterated that coffee and tea are the only drinks explicitly prohibited by the Word of Wisdom. Even Brigham Young University, the church-owned college, now sells caffeinated sodas in its student dining halls.


Myth 6: Mormons Wear 'Magic Underwear'

This one is only half mythical. Mormons who have gone to an LDS temple do wear special undergarments, but they aren't magical.

Large and ornate LDS Temples are different from the smaller, plainer chapels where Mormons hold their Sunday services. At 168 Temples around the world, worthy church members over 18 years old can receive essential ordinances for salvation. When someone goes to the temple for the first time, they receive the "temple garment," which is a pair of special underwear — top and bottom — with religious significance.


For Mormons, the garment is supposed to act as a daily reminder of important covenants made in the temple. It's not supposed to have any magic powers, even though Bowman said Mormon folklore is full of such stories. The hotel magnate Bill Marriott, a member of the church, once told "60 Minutes" that his sacred undergarments had saved his life in a freak boating accident.

"The boat was on fire. I was on fire. I was burned. My pants were burned right off me. I was not burned above my knee. Where the garment was, I was not burned," said Marriott. "My undergarments were not singed."

Bowman gets why non-Mormons think it's weird to wear special underwear, but in the context of world religions, Mormons aren't odd at all.

"Most religious traditions require some sort of special clothing," said Bowman. "Yarmulkes in Judaism, headscarves in Islam, some Hindus have a spot on their forehead, Turbans for Sikhs. Mormons are more typical than not."

Now That's Interesting

For many people, their first encounter with Mormons might be seeing two guys dressed in white shirts and ties riding bikes around town. The dress code is required by the church for full-time missionary work. But the bikes are just an easy way to get around town. In some places, public transportation or a car may be used instead.


Mormons FAQ

What can Mormons not do?

Mormons are not allowed to have sex prior to marriage, consume alcohol, do drugs, swear or gamble. They also believe that families are an essential part of God’s plan and therefore do not permit same-sex relationships, abortion or p*rnography use.

How many wives can Mormons have?

Polygamy was publicly outlawed by the church in 1904 and most LDS don’t practice it. However, some breakaway sects, particularly those in Utah, still follow plural marriage doctrine and encourage men to marry more than one woman.

What is the difference between Christianity and Mormonism?

There are many differences between mainstream Christianity and Mormonism. While Christians only follow the Holy Bible, Mormons have four texts, including the Bible, the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price. Mormons also believe that salvation is possible through good deeds and works. Christians, on the other hand, claim the only way for salvation is through faith in Jesus.

Is Mormonism growing or declining?

Mormonism is still growing, but at a far slower rate than previous years. The church doesn’t release the number of members who leave the church every year, making it more challenging to determine its growth or decline. According to released membership figures, the church experienced a growth of 0.6 percent in 2020 - the lowest it’s been since 1937. The total number of members of the LDS Church as of 2020 is 16.6 million.

6 Things Mormons Wish Non-Mormons Knew About Their Church (2024)


What do Mormons think of other churches? ›

Mormons do not believe that they are the only people inspired by God and so have a tolerant attitude to other faiths. Although Mormons are certain that their Church teaches the true doctrines of salvation, they don't see it as the only teacher of truth.

What do Mormons believe about non Mormon Christians? ›

Mormons view other Christian churches as teaching some truth, doing good works, and acknowledge their strong faith in Christ. However, Mormons also maintain that all other churches lack the divine authority to perform the ordinances of the gospel because of the Great Apostasy.

What is the biggest difference between mormonism and Christianity? ›

In essence, Mormonism is polytheistic. They believe that there are many gods, Jesus is a god, and we can all become gods too. Christianity is monotheistic. There is only one God eternally existing in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Can Mormons be friends with non-Mormons? ›

Certainly, then, it is to their advantage to have friends who are not Mormon. The truth is, though, that the main reason Mormons have friends who are not Mormon is simply because they tend to be friendly people. Mormons as a group are surprisingly diverse with a wide range of interests.

What religion is most similar to Mormon? ›

Similarities. Mormonism and Islam each believe in a life after death: belief in the Last Judgment and an Afterlife is one of the Six Articles of Belief of Islam; it also forms an essential element of the Mormon belief system.

What do Mormons think Jesus is? ›

Like most Christians, Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Creator of the World. However, Mormons hold the unique belief that God the Father and Jesus Christ are two distinct beings.

What do Mormons call non-Mormons? ›

In the terminology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), the word "gentile" can be used to refer to people who are not members of the LDS Church, since members regard themselves as regathered Israelites.

Is Utah becoming less Mormon? ›

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) — Since Utah became a state in the late 1800s, most of its residents have been members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But according to a new study, Utah isn't majority Mormon anymore.

Why don't Mormons believe in the Trinity? ›

There's not a true invocation of the Trinity because the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, according to the LDS, are not the three persons in which subsist the one Godhead, but three gods who form one divinity. This is an important claim that Christianity is monotheistic.

What do Mormons believe that Christians don't? ›

One of the preeminent responses given by non-Mormons of why Mormons are not Christian is they do not believe in the Trinity. Ostling and Ostling state that the LDS Church rejects the Jesus Christ of Christian orthodoxy in that they believe that God the Father is greater than Jesus.

Do Mormons believe that Jesus died on the cross? ›

Mormons believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose again so that all humankind could be resurrected and one day return to live with a loving Heavenly Father. As the only person who has ever lived a completely sinless life, the Savior was a perfect sacrifice, a lamb without blemish.

What are the criticisms of Mormonism? ›

Academic critics have questioned the legitimacy of Smith as a prophet as well as the historical authenticity of the Book of Mormon and the Book of Abraham. Criticism has expanded to include claims of historical revisionism, hom*ophobia, racism, and sexist policies.

Do Mormons ever marry non Mormons? ›

Yes,but they can't Marry in a temple unless the non-Mormon get baptized into the Mormon church. So the Marriage would have to be held elsewhere a friend of my sons married a Mormon girl and he respects her religious beliefs enough to let her go to church she grew up in.

Can non Mormons go to Mormon funeral? ›

Can I Attend the Funeral if I'm not Mormon? The reason why you might be concerned about this is that non-Mormons aren't allowed inside Mormon temples. In many cases, Mormon funerals are open to everyone, regardless of their faith, since they usually aren't held in temples.

How many partners can Mormons have? ›

Mormon men can lawfully have one wife. The practice of polygamy (polygyny or plural marriage), the marriage of more than one woman to the same man, was practiced by Church members from the 1830s to the early 1900s.

Are Mormons allowed to go to other churches? ›

Is it OK to visit other churches? There's nothing wrong with visiting a friend's church.

Are Mormons accepting of other religions? ›

Interfaith Relations. A respect for the diverse beliefs and unique contributions of all the world's faiths is one of the hallmarks of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

What does the Mormon Church think about the Catholic Church? ›

In 1958, Elder Bruce R. McConkie published his encyclopedic volume Mormon Doctrine, which infamously described the Catholic Church in the following way: “The Roman Catholic Church [is] specially—singled out, set apart, described, and designated as being 'most abominable above all other churches.

Do Mormons believe they are the one true church? ›

In the first section of the Doctrine and Covenants, a revelation given to Joseph Smith in November 1831, the Lord refers to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as “the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth” (D&C 1:30).

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